How to Join

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APSA's membership is drawn from banks, rating agencies, lawyers, accountants, investors and other securitisation and structured finance practitioners who have a common interest in promoting regional securitisation and structured finance markets.

APSA members enjoy free or discounted admission to all our events. In addition, APSA members enjoy discounted rates for attending events organised by ASIFMA, CSF, HKIB and TMA, and many other conferences that are endorsed by APSA.

Annual memberships:
HK$100 for Student Members
HK$800 for Individual Members
HK$5,000 for Life Individual Members
HK$7,000 for Corporate Members.

If you are interested to join APSA, please complete the membership application form and send it to the Secretary-General by email: email address: | Cc, with the original form and cheque by delivery to APSA's registered address.